Aspiring Principals Programmes
PFP Course | Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
- Participants, except retakers
(1) are required to attend at least 90% of the 78-hour sessions of Modules 1-6; and
(2) must get a passing grade in each of the six core modules AND in the Action Research project.
- Retakers
(1) are required to attend at least 90% of the total hours of the two individual self-selected modules (number of total hours varies according to different selected modules); and
(2) must get a passing grade in two self-selected modules AND in the Action Research project.
- Certificates will be issued to those who have successfully completed the full course by meeting the attendance requirements and obtaining a passing grade in each of the assignment as well as the Action Research Project.
- Letters will be issued to the re-taking aspiring principals who have successfully completed the course by meeting the attendance requirements and obtaining a passing grade in each of the assignment of the two chosen modules and the Action Research project.
Assignments & Passing CriteriaFor each of the six Core Modules ,the participants are required to submit an assignment of 1,500 to 2,000 words reflecting on how they can apply the theories/practices they learnt in the module. They are also required to submit a report with 3,000 to 4,000 English words or 4,000 to 5,000 words in Chinese on an Action Research project. The report should reflect their learnings in the Course, the informed actions taken and their reflections on the actions. Assignments/reports will be awarded with grades in accordance to the following grading system:
Any participants who failed to meet the appropriate quality standards will be considered as fail and will be asked to revise their work within a reasonable time frame that is mutually agreed. Given the fact that the assignments are mostly reflective in nature, passing criteria have to be based on the professional judgment of the lecturers/tutors. It is therefore advisable that the course participants, before submitting the final product, meet with their lecturers/tutors to ensure that the format and content are acceptable. Should there be an appeal against a failure grade, the Programme Director will consider the case and opportunity for re-submission with mutual agreement on quality and a particular time frame will be provided. |