PhD students

LYU Min 



B.A. in English, Tianjin Foreign Studies University
M.A. in International Journalism, Beijing Foreign Studies University  

Research Interests 

Lyu Min is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Education and Psychology at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China. She has much experience in teaching English as a second language to a wide range of learners. She is particularly interested in English private tutoring in shadow education. Her research prospectus is “Private English Tutors’ Professional Identity and the Ecology of Its Formation: An Ethnographic Inquiry in China”. 


Lyu, M., & Lam, R. C. K. (2023). BOOK REVIEW: Talking about Second Language Acquisition. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 11(1), 178-181.

WAN Yuwei 



MEd (Curriculum and Instruction), University of Maryland, College Park
BA (English language and Literature), Anhui University  

Research Interests 

English Language Teaching and Learning, Teacher Education, Technology in Education  


Moorhouse, B. L., & Wan, Y. (2023). Students’ Experiences of English-Medium Instruction at the Postgraduate Level: Challenges and Sustainable Support for Success. Sustainability, 15(4), 3243. 

Moorhouse, B. L., Kohnke, L., & Wan, Y. (2023). A Systematic Review of Technology Reviews in Language Teaching and Learning Journals. RELC Journal, 54(2), 426–444.

Wan, Y. & Moorhouse, B, L. (2024) Using Call Annie as a Generative AI speaking partner for language learners. RELC Journal

Moorhouse, B, L. , Yeo, M., & Wan, Y. (2023). Generative AI tools and Assessment: Guidelines of the World’s top-ranking universities, Computers & Education Open.

LIU Yuming 



Master of Education (TESOL), School of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney 

Research interest: Second language writing assessment; Digital multimodal composing; Peer feedback 


Wang, Y. X., Zhu, Y. Y., Wang, Y., Ma, K., Liu, Y. M., Yin, M. & Jiang H. J. (2018). College English listening and speaking (Preliminary). Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 




MSc Educational Research and Teacher Training. (Distinction), Aix-Marseille University (France) 
BSc Science (Hons) in Biology, Bindura University of Science Education (Zimbabwe)  

Research interest: STEM-related teaching and learning in Africa 

My research seek to explore the pedagogical integration of mathematics and science when teaching the concept of density at junior high school level in Zimbabwe.  

The research designed research lesson plans, by fusing the problem solving and the inquiry learning approach. The research will further explore the extend at which the teachers realised the key principles of integrated STEM education and their attitudes and perceptions of integrated STEM education after going through the integration process. 


Manunure, K., Delserieys, A., & Castéra, J. (2020). The effects of combining simulations and laboratory experiments on Zimbabwean students’ conceptual understanding of electric circuits. Research in Science & Technological Education, 38(3), 289–307. 

WU Chenze


Education Background

MSc in Language Education, The University of Edinburgh

Research Interests

Generative AI and Education; Second Language Teaching and Learning


Wu, C., Zhang, Y. W., & Li, A. W. (2023). Peer feedback and Chinese medical students’ English academic writing development: a longitudinal intervention study. BMC Medical Education, 23(1), 578.

Huang, T., & Wu, C. (2022). The Effect of CLIL Implementation on Students’ Development of English Reading Performance: An Empirical Study of Undergraduate Students in China. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 11(3), 14-22. 

NI Yue



B.A. in English Language and Literature, Hohai University
M.A. in English Literary Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests

L2 writing assessment, e-portfolio assessment, student assessment literacy, digital literacies

WU Meixin



MA (International Education ), University of Exeter

Research Interests

AI and Education, Instructional Technology, English Language Teaching and Learning


Wu, M. X. (2023). A Study on the Transformation of College English Teaching Promoted by Artificial Intelligence Technology. Advances in Higher Education, 22(7), 194-196, DOI:10.18686/ahe.v7i20.9647.

Wu, M. X. (2022). Personalized College English Teaching under the Background of Big Data Practice. Modern English, (11), 83-86.

CHEN Xiaotong


Education Background

MEd (Educational Psychology), The University of Sydney

Research Interests

Emotion Regualtion in Teaching and Learning, Social Media in Education


Chen, X., Zhu, S., Chen, Y., & An, K. (2023). Innovative Thinking on College Students’ Mental Health Education in Micro-Era. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Chen, X. (2022). Influences and Implications of Affective Neuroscience in Children’s Learning and Education. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 4 (1), 30-33.