Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Part-time) – Subject Teaching and Subject Knowledge Stream​

The overall aim of these different streams in the Part-time Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme – Subject Teaching and Subject Knowledge (PGDE – STSK) is to provide professional training to serving teachers who are not graduates in the respective subject but are teaching or aspiring to teach that subject. The aim of each stream of the programme is to help student to develop pedagogical skills and knowledge of a designated specialised subject with a view to enabling them to become subject specialists in schools. 


  1. To develop in students expertise in subject knowledge and pedagogical skills pertaining to a specialising school subject which is not the major subject in their university study. The pedagogical skills include effective strategies for the planning, conducting and evaluating of teaching of this specialising subject; and
  2. To enhance teachers personal qualities which support their daily work and professional development. These personal qualities include interpersonal effectiveness, creativity, self-understanding, and the motivation and readiness for self-reflection and self-improvement.

Upon the completion of the programme, graduates are able to:

  1. develop subject knowledge pertaining to a specialising school subject which is not the major subject in students’ university study.
  2. develop pedagogical content knowledge for effective teaching of the specialising school subject.
  3. acquire effective strategies for planning, conducting and evaluating of teaching of the specialising school subject.
  4. demonstrate a reflective and sensitive mind in educational practices and social issues.
  5. show commitments to uphold professional integrity and advancement of the profession.

Upon admitted, they are required to complete a total number of 28 units that consists of a pedagogical specialised course (6 units) with supervised teaching practice assessment (4 units), and subject knowledge courses (18 units). The structure of the programme is as follows:

Specialising SubjectSubject Teaching & STPA (10 units)Subject Knowledge (Total 18 units; 3 units each)
  • Subject Teaching
  • Supervised Teaching Practice Assessment
  • Phonetics and Phonology
  • Lexis, Morphology and Semantics
  • Grammar for Teaching
  • Written and Spoken Discourse
  • Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics in English Language Teaching
  • Literature and Language Arts
  • Subject Teaching
  • Supervised Teaching Practice Assessment
  • Foundational Mathematics
  • Development in Mathematical Thinking
  • Understanding Number Theory
  • Mathematics in Action – Applications of Contemporary Mathematics
  • Geometries in Perspective
  • Statistics and Society
Physical Education
  • Subject Teaching
  • Supervised Teaching Practice Assessment

2 of the following courses:

  • Scientific Foundations of Physical Education in Schools
  • Humanities & Social Sciences Foundations of Physical Education in Schools
  • Independent Inquiry Study in Physical Education

4 of the following courses:

  • Athletics & Swimming in Schools
  • Dances & Gymnastics in Schools
  • Ball Games in Schools
  • Racket Games in Schools
  • Outdoor Pursuit and Tai Chi in Schools
  • Fundamental Movement & Fitness Training in Schools

*Students who successfully complete this PGDE – English STSK will meet both relevant degree and relevant teacher training of the Language Proficiency Requirement (LPR) (English Language) as stipulated by the Education Bureau (EDB). PROGRAMME DELIVERY The programme adopts a student-centred approach that builds on the knowledge and experience that students bring with them. Teaching is conducted through lectures, lecture-discussions, seminars, workshops, microteaching, on-site peer observation and supervised teaching practice. Coursework emphasises reflection, creativity and continuous development of the teacher. Normally students should complete the Programme in two calendar years. Classes are scheduled on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Both Chinese and English languages are used in the Programme (except English STSK). The choice of medium of instruction depends on the nature of individual courses.


Requirements of Field Practice To fulfill the requirements for satisfactory completion of Field Practice, students are required to:

  1. accumulate a duration of 12 weeks on-site Supervised Teaching Practice in a school setting if they do not have a full-time teaching position during the period of study;
  2. teach at least 48 lessons on his/her specialising subject (or equivalent to 32 teaching hours);
  3. complete at least 2 Supervised Teaching Practice Assessments (STPA);
  4. attend two Reflective Seminars; and
  5. submit a Reflective Teaching Portfolio.

Arrangement of Field Practice To arrange the Field Practice smoothly, students are reminded that:

  1. it is an expectation that students arrange Field Practice by themselves;
  2. it is the students’ responsibility to notify the Department as soon as they have obtained a teaching/teaching-related post and they should then supply the relevant documents (e.g. the employment contract, testimonial of employment, etc.) to the Department for verification and record purposes; and
  3. it is suggested that students should report any difficulties in arranging Field Practice to the Department.

  GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS & ACADEMIC AWARDS Students who have satisfactorily completed the Programme will be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Education by the University. To be eligible for the award, students must:

  1. complete a total of 28 units within the specified duration of the programme;
  2. obtain a ‘Satisfactory’ in Supervised Teaching Practice Assessment;
  3. obtain Grade C- or above in all courses; and
  4. achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above.

To be awarded Distinction for the Programme, students should attain a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or above, with no course grade below B- and no repeated courses. Students attaining a cumulative GPA between 3.40 and 3.66 will be awarded Merit. Graduates from PGDE – English STSK will be recognised as

  1. having fulfilled SCOLAR requirement on English subject knowledge (PGSK) and relevant teacher training;
  2. having the eligibility for applying full exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English Language).