Centre for Learning Sciences (CLS)

Department of Education and Psychology
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Hong Kong Baptist University



Learning Sciences is a state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary area involving expertise in education, cognitive psychology, educational psychology, neuroscience, computer science and technology.  Learning Sciences explores understanding of human learning processes with scientific research methodologies, aiming to optimize instructional techniques and pedagogies in educational settings. The Centre for Learning Sciences (CLS) intends to contribute to the education community through knowledge transfer and technology development for the improvement of student learning environment. It is hoped that by partnership with schools and NGOs, we can provide support to teacher training, parent education and other community services.
Our Missions
1.The CLS aims at promoting collaboration among scholars and practitioners from multidisciplinary areas, including language acquisition, math education, music education, liberal studies, neuroscience, psychology, linguistics and computer technology, to translate research findings and theories to evidence-based practices in education.
2.In partnership with kindergartens, schools, and NGOs, the CLS carries out projects to investigate teaching and learning of students with diverse needs. The outcomes of the projects will inform frontline practitioners the methodologies to enhance teaching and learning performance.
Members of CLS
The Centre for Learning Sciences is part of the Department of Education and Psychology under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Director: Dr. Yiu-Kei Tsang
Contact Us
Rm 817, Academic & Administrative Building, No. 1 University Road, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong
Tel: (852) 3411 5325
Fax: (852) 3411 7894
Email: yktsang@hkbu.edu.hkFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences