Dr. TANG Kit Yi


Academic Qualifications

  • Ph. D. (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • M. Phil. (Educational Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts (Merit), Hong Kong Baptist University


Professional Qualifications

  • Trainer on Children Philology (Association of Chinese character instinctive understanding), HKCertificate Trainer of Nagomi Pastel Art (Japan Pastel Hope Art Association), Japan
  • Trainer on Service Leadership Education (SLE) (HK Institute of Service Leadership & Management), HK
  • Certificate of Narrative Therapy for teaching Intelligent Deficit students (Chi Le Association), HK
  • Certificate of Mental Health First Aid (MIFA), HK
  • Certificate PEERS@ (Training program for adult ASD in friendship-making), UCLA
  • Certificate of Tactile, The Feuerstein Institute (Israel)
  • Certificate of Instructional Enrichment I (Instructional Enrichment training for cognitive structure), The Feuerstein Institute (Israel)
  • Certificate of Orton-Gillingham approach in teaching English for students with dyslexia, MSL Consultancy Pte Ltd (Singapore)
  • Certificate in School Counselling and Guidance (Distinction), The University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education
  • PGDE, The University of Hong Kong, Education Department
  • Qualified teacher for junior Secondary, Hong Kong Northcote College of Education


Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2015-present: Lecturer 1, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • 2014-present: PT Teaching Consultant, The Pathways Foundation Ltd
  • 2014-2015: Assistant Project Manager (SMILE Project—school-based consultant in helping teach-&-learn affairs for SEN students- ADHD & ID), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • 2010-2015: PT Lecturer (Edu. Dept.), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2014-2015: PT Lecturer (EDUC), Hong Kong Baptist University
  • 2009-2013: Teaching Consultant & Language Support Officer – Chinese, The Pathways Foundation Ltd


Research Interests

  • Pedagogy of Chinese Language teaching
  • Learning Diversity and Motivation
  • Inclusive Education and Teaching for SEN students – Dyslexia, ADHD, ID and ASD
  • Blended Learning
  • L & T in NCS (Non-Chinese Students) 


Research Grants

  • HK PISA 2018 (2017-2019). OECD & The Chinses University of HK (as Co I)
  • School-based E-learning Materials Development for Inclusive Education (2016-2018). HKBS 150 Anniversary Charity Fund. 三水劉本章學校 & EdUHK (as researcher)


Consultancy/Professional/Community Services



  1. Completed a three-year project of School-based E-learning Materials Development for Inclusive Education sponsored by HKBS 150 Anniversary Charity Fund (Sept 2016- Aug 2019), being the chief researcher of three studies launched under this project, i.e., classroom observation study, HK special schools 5E application study, and a case longitudinal study.
  2. Completed an TDG project with Dr Tracy Lau (PI) and Dr Joshua Chan, Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Cross-border Study for Students-teachers’ Professional Development.


Conference/Seminar Paper presentation

  1. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Chi. Lang. Teaching held by EdUHK (16 Nov 2018) – topic: HK special school quantitative analysis of using e-book in teaching Chinese Language – upon Learning Diversity and Self-regulated Learning (香港特殊學校中文科電子書教學定量分析-『個別差異照顧』與『自主學習』)
  2. Paper presented at the E-book Project sharing meeting and Annual General meeting– held by E-learning for Inclusive Education Association Limited.  (8 June 2019) – topic: Application of 5E in HK special schools setting – preliminary study


Knowledge transfer

  1. Speaker of teacher professional development day (11 April 2019) for Tai Po Methodist School– topic: Rubric design for Chinese writing in formative assessment.
  2. Speaker of teacher professional development seminars (30 Jan & 8 Mar 2019) for HK LS teachers held by EDB– topic: Curriculum accommodation of Liberal Study for the students with SEN.
  3. Academic consultant under EDB Learning Diversity Committee of Liberal Study Key Learning Area in providing advice for 6 sets of lesson plan with teaching aids specified for the students Dyslexia (Jan 2017- Aug 2019)
  4.  Instructor of teacher professional development course (2019) for HK primary teachers held by EDB & HKBU – topic: Small class Chinese Language teaching.
  5. Instructor of teacher professional development course (2019) for HK mid-level management teachers held by EDB & HKBU – topic: Whole school approach for the students with SEN.


Professional activities

  1.    Attended the HK special school professional development day (19 Dec 2018) held by EDB, EdUHK and all special schools in HK
  2.    Going to finish a three-years course of children philology (May 2017-Dec 2019) that getting the teaching insight into Chinese characters to young children and NCS students but also getting a profound reflection about ancient Chinese characters revealing Chinese culture that is beneficial to my teaching to the students of EDUC 7381/3791.
  3. Got the teaching certificate of Nagomi pastel drawing for enriching my knowledge and skills in releasing others’ emotional problem which is a hot issue in the field of inclusive education.


  1. Speaker and co-organizer (representative of EDUC) with PHAB (NGO)- Workshop topic: The Emotional Development of the Youth with Dyslexia (9 Dec 2017)
  2. Curriculum Consultant of EDB Diversity Committee (Liberal Studies) in revising the curriculum content of the accommodation for the students with Dyslexia
  3. Speaker of teacher professional development seminars – topic cluster: Strategies for catering Learning Diversity
  4. Schools support – School-based teacher professional development seminar-三水劉本章學校-Topic: “Assessment As Learning” for Learning Diversity & Autonomous Learning
  5. Chan Kai Secondary School – curriculum design in persuasive essays & descriptive essays (S1 Chi Lang Curriculum)
  6. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Chi. Lang. Teaching held by EdUHK (8 Dec 2017) – topic: Interactional modes and teacher’ roles of Blended Learning
  7. Paper presented at the Learning and Teaching Expo 2017 – SEN Theatre held by EduCity  (14 Dec 2017) – topic: Interactional modes and teacher’ roles of Blended Learning
  8. Seminar participation:
  • SEN涯規劃organized by TWO nominees, Heep Hong Society & HKAB on 11thNov 2017
  • 時事學中文-e-learning platform for NCS held by OpenKnowledge on 24thNov 2017
  • Social-Motivation Learning held by EdUHK on 4thDec 2017



  1. One of the speaker and organizer of the Symposium of Dyslexia 2016 (3 Dec 2016) co-organized by VTC, HKBU and other communities – topic: the suggestions in using VAKT to the students with dyslexia
  2. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Chi. Lang. Teaching held by EdUHK (16 & 17 Dec 2016) – topic: expository writing teaching to SEN
  3. Speaker of teacher professional development seminar (19th May 2017) held by EDB – topic: Strategies for catering Learning Diversity in Liberal Study
  4. Speaker of teacher professional development seminar (28th March 2017) held by Catholic Education Office (Primary Schools Sector) – topic: Strategies for catering Learning Diversity in Chi. Lang.
  5. One of the guest speakers of “Leadership Development Programme for middle leaders” under the topics of SEN / Inclusive Education Accommodation and Curriculum Leadership in March 2017
  6. Schools support – School-based Chi. Lang. curriculum design and teacher professional development seminar
  7. Chan Kai Secondary School – curriculum design in persuasive essays & descriptive essays (S3 Chi Lang Curriculum)
  8. HK & KLN Chiu Chow Public Association Secondary School – topic: Questioning Technique (16th Nov 2016)
  9. Reviewer for Educational Journal (CUHK)
  10. Seminar participation: Teaching strategies for ASD students organized by EdUHK on 25th March



  1. 17th Oct. (9:30 – 17:30) – to present the teaching strategies to ADHD students with serviced school teachers in JC SMILE project dissemination  
  2. 30th Oct. (9:30 – 17:30) – to attend a seminar of Prf. Chan Suk Lai from East Taiwan National University in sharing the teaching materials and strategies for academic low achievers
  3. 31st Oct (9:30 – 13:30) & 13th May (9;30 – 12:30)– to participate a workshop of an NGO The Pathways Ltd. in servicing the students with Dyslexia as their teaching consultant
  4. 30th Nov. & 1st Dec. (9:30 – 17:30) – to attend a seminar of Dr. Laugeson from UCLA and other experts in serving the people with Autism held by VTC
  5. 18th Mar. (9:00 – 16:00) – to attend a seminar held by the Student Department of CUHK about cognitive disabilities
  6. 24th Mar., 20th & 22nd Jun. – to run some two to three-hour teachers’ professional development workshop in three schools  (高雷中學、何明華會督中學、福德學社小學)
  7. 1st – 3rd Apr. (9:00 – 17:00) – to attain the qualification of certified trainer for Autistic adolescents in the friendship-making form a course taking held by Dr. Laugeson from UCLA



Selected Publications

  • 鄧潔儀。2019。通識科教材調適-舉隅。EDB Learning Diversity Committee of Liberal Study, EDB.

  • 鄧潔儀。2019。5E教學法在香港特殊學校中、數、常三科應用舉隅 (The application of 5E teaching method in HK special schools – in the school subjects of Chinese Language, Mathematics and General Study)。Rainbowstar_互動課本攻略。融合教育電子學習協會。香港。
  • 鄧潔儀。2019。電子課本學習『教與學概念框架』(Electronic textbook learning – “teaching and learning conceptual framework”)。Rainbowstar_互動課本攻略。融合教育電子學習協會。香港。
  • 鄧潔儀、冼權鋒、蘇建群、高鳳展。2018。香港特殊學校校本電子教材教學運用課堂觀察研究(The Research of School-based Electronic Teaching Materials – Classroom Observation in Hong Kong Special Schools)。香港特殊教育期刊,20期。香港教育大學特殊學習需要與融合教育中心、香港特殊教育協會。頁136-154。
  • Tang, K. Y, 2016.Tips of classroom management with the students of ADHD (融合教室內的支援與反思). In EdUHK (eds) SMILE Project Resources Kit – ADHD (賽馬會悅學計劃 支援融合生資源套- 專注力不足/過度活躍症學生). EdUHK.
  •  Tang, K. Y; Chiu, C.W & Tong, C.Y, 2016. School-based Chi. Lang. curriculum design and action research in inclusive classrooms (中國語文(初中)教學的實踐與反思). In EdUHK (eds) SMILE Project Resources Kit – Accommodation and Differentiated Instruction in an inclusive classroom (賽馬會悅學計劃 支援融合生資源套 – 融合教室內的「課程調適」與「適異教學」). EdUHK
  • Tang, K. Y, 2013. School-based intervention – C.E.M. mode  (到校『課堂支援』-C.E.M.概念架構). In K. Y. Tang & M. Ting (eds) The Effectiveness of Literacy Intervention Program for Secondary Schools with Dyslexia and Specific Reading Difficulties and Significant Underachievement (中學讀寫障礙學生語文課堂支援計劃). QEF. 
  • Tang, K. Y; Lu, Z. L & Yu, Y.L, 2013. The reading strategies of Chinese Classical text (文言文解讀策略). In K. Y. Tang & M. Ting (eds) The Effectiveness of Literacy Intervention Program for Secondary Schools with Dyslexia and Specific Reading Difficulties and Significant Underachievement (中學讀寫障礙學生語文課堂支援計劃). QEF. 
  • Tang, K. Y. & Ting, M. (eds). 2013. The Effectiveness of Literacy Intervention Program for Secondary Schools with Dyslexia and Specific Reading Difficulties and Significant Underachievement (中學讀寫障礙學生語文課堂支援計劃). QEF.