Master of Art (Ed), Bachelor of Philosophy (Ed)
Teacher Cert., Advance Teacher Cert.
Teaching Consultant, Department of Education Studies

Academic & Professional Experience

2011– Present Teaching Consultant
Sep 2006– 2011 Senior Lecturer
Coordinator, Practicum & School Partnership Committee)
Coordinator, Continuing Professional Development Committee)
School Manager (HKBUWKFSPS)
Jan 2000– Aug 2006 Lecturer
Sep 1998 – Dec 2000 Asst. Lecturer
Jan 1996 – Jul 1998 General Manager, Fonno Pty Ltd (Australia)
Sep 1994 – Aug 1995 Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Sep 1991 – Aug 1994 Lecturer (Graduate), Sir Robert Black College of Education
Sep 1990 – Aug 1991 Certificate Master, King's College
Sep 1986 – Aug 1989 Certificate Master, Police Cadet School
Sep 1983 – Aug 1985 Certificate Master, Hoi Pa Street Government Pri. (A.M.)
Sep 1981 – Aug 1983 Certificate Master, Yenching College

Consultancy/ Professional/ Community Services

2009 – 2013 Small Class Teaching teacher Training Programme
2006 – 2011 School Manger, Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School WKF Sec. & Primary School

Research Interests

Scholarly Work


  1. 楊少榮、鮑偉昌 (2006) 有通識 – 冇學識?載《教師中心傳真》第五十八期。香港教育統籌局教師中心出版。
  2. Understanding Field Practice for Pre-service Teachers: the Need for a School Perspective. Paper presented at BERA Conference 2004. (2004) (with Choi, T.H., Yeung, S.W., & Poon, M.)
  3. Yeung S.W. (2000). Physical Education and Moral Education. In Journal of Physical Education (pp. 14-19). V56 Hong Kong: HKBU
  4. Yeung S.W. (1999). To what extent can PE be justified in the school curriculum. In Journal of Physical Education (pp. 45-48) V55. Hong Kong: HKBU


  1. 4/ 2005     The 25th meeting of the International Society for Teacher Education(ISTE) in Taiwan An exploratory study on the implementation of “specialized teaching” in Hong Kong
  2. 9/ 2004     The British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester Understanding field experience for pre-service teacher in Hong Kong: the need for a school perspective
  3. 7/ 2004     ICET World Assembly 2004 A Reciprocal Model on Field Practice for Developing Professional Knowledge of Pre-service Teachers and School Mentors
  4. 6/ 2003     Thinking Conference 2003 Strategies for Implementing the New Physical Education Curriculum
  5. 4/2003     ISTE 2003: 23rd International Seminar PE Curriculum Reform --- from subject to key learning area
  6. 2/2001     ISTE 2001: 21st International Seminar School The performance of pre-service student-teacher (physical education) during teaching practice in Hong Kong
  7. 2/2001     Education Reform: Chinese Region Seminar, HKTC, HKIEd, HKBU,CHC, HKEC, WKFF. Reform of teaching of Physical Education
  8. 1/2000     The 13th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement The curriculum of PE and moral education
  9. 10/1999     Education Reform: Chinese Region Seminar, HKTC, HKIEd, HKBU To what extent can PE be justified in the school curriculum


  1. 9/ 2009     Small Class Teaching Programme for Teachers (150 hours) (Awarded by EDB $14,118,120.00)
  2. 8/ 2009     Small Class Teaching Programme for Teachers (Singapore Visit) (Awarded by EDB $1,313,894.80) 3/ 2009 Small Class Teaching Programme for Teachers (60 hours) (Awarded by EDB $653,400.00)
  3. 2/ 2008     Workshops for Physical Education Teacher in teaching of New Secondary School Physical Education Curriculum (Awarded by EDB $368,000.00)
  4. 5/ 2006     Research and Development Work on Life Education Projects with Prof. Lee Chi-kin, Prof Tse Kwan-choi, Dr. Raymond Chan
  5. 1/2006 – 7/2006     Research on Teacher Stress-Questionnaire with Education Convergence & Hong Kong Primary Education Research Association
  6. 4/ 2004 – 5/ 2005     The psychological effects of physical education training in secondary school students with Ms. Hui Anna, Prof. Lau Sing
  7. 3/2004 - 2/2005     Understanding field experience for pre-service teacher in Hong Kong: the need for a school perspective collaborative with Dr. Choi Tat Heung, Mr. Tony Lai and Ms May Poon from FRG [FRG/03-04/I-29]
  8. 3/2004 - 9/2004     Classroom Management in Action Collaborative with Tony Lai From Teaching Development Grant [TDG/0304/I/05]
  9. 5/2001 – 4/2003     Summer School Programme for PE teachers from Education Department as PI (HK$998,757.06)
  10. 4/2001 – 1/2002     Daily Activities in School : A Orientation Video Tape for new PgD in Education from Teaching Development Grant as PI (HK$36,000.00) 9/2001 – 3/2002 School-Based Curriculum Development in Physical Education --- Fitness Enhancement Series from University Grants Committee as PI (HK$153,000.00)