Dr. CHEUNG, Wai Chun
B.A. (Hons), Dip.Ed., M.A., Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Major Professional Qualifications
Assistant Professor, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
School Development Officer, University and School Partnership for Quality Education, Center for University and School Partnership, Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Senior Research Officer, Accelerated Schools Project, Center for University and School Partnership, Faculty of Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Awards / Distinctions
2011 | Awarded a research fellowship by Japan Foundation |
1996 | Awarded “Drs. Cheng and Lee Student Fellowship”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
1996 | Awarded “Outstanding Scholars‘ Exchange Program”, Co-organized by Taiwan and the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
1995 | Awarded “Graduate Student Exchange Program” in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada |
1994 | Awarded “Postgraduate Students Grants for Overseas Academic Activities” The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Research Interests
- History of Education
- Oral History during the War Years
- Education and Ethnic Identity in China China
- Curriculum development of Liberal Studies
Research Projects:
Co-investigator, “An Archival Search, Collation and Analysis of English and French Historical Literature of Hmong in Overseas” (「海外苗族英、法語文獻資料搜集、整理與研究」), a national key research project supported by National Planning Philosophy and Social Science, Ministry of Education, PRC (中國國家2014年度國家社會科學基金重點項目), 2015-17.
Principal Investigator of “Young Regfugees in Wartime Hong Kong and the Guangdong Child School: An Oral History (1937-49)”, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, April 2012 to Dec. 2015.
Principal Investigator of “Curricula and Textbook: An Archival Study of the “Hong Kong Chineseness (1931-45), Faculty Research Grant II, Jan. to Dec., 2012.
Principal Investigator of “Negotiating Nationalist and Communist Education in Wartime Colony: A case study of China News College (1939-45)”, Faculty Research Grant II, Sept. 2009 to Oct. 2011.
Chief Editor, Manual for the Rural Teachers Training in Southwest China, a project funded by Zigen Fund, 2008 to 2013.
Principal Investigator of “Exodus and Education: Narrating Hong Kong History during the War Years (1941-45)” CERG project, Jan. 2007 to Dec. 2010.
Principal Investigator of “Learning in Exile: An Oral History of Hong Kong People during the War (1937-45)”, Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, Jan. 2006 to July 2009.
Project Coordinator of “Learning and Teaching of War History in China: A Study Tour for Students in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hong Kong”, the Community Participation Scheme for Organizing Study Tours to the Mainland, Youth of Commission, Aug. 2006 (with Prof. Alex Fung as the Project Director).
Selected Publications
張慧真、孔強生(著),日野綠(譯),『日本占領期香港の子どもたち: 学びと暮らしのオーラルヒストリー』,東京:凱風社,2008,共396頁。
「族群身份的建構:貴州石門坎花苗精英的個案研究」,載徐杰舜(編) 『走在鄉間的小路上』(人類學叢書),黑龍江人民出版社,2005,頁413-426。
張慧真、盧乃桂「中共理想人格的塑造:論『英雄模範』雷鋒」,載劉 國強、李瑞全(編)《道德與公民教育:東亞經驗與前瞻》,香港:香港教育研究所,1995,頁165-214。
Journal Articles
“Chinese Hero Models in the 1980s (1978-85)”, Journal of Modern Education Review, forthcoming.
A paper (with S.C. Li & J.W.C. Pow), A delineation of the Cognitive Processes manifested in a Social Annotation Environment, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, published by: Wiley Blackwell, Singapore Article ID: JCAL 12073, May 2014, pp1-13.
“From Tao Xinzhi to Zhu Huangzhang: Plebian Literacy Movement and the Construction of Ethnic Identity of the Miao People (1930-40)”, in Horizon in Education, edited by Gregory T. Papaniko & Nicholas Pappas, Greece: ATINER, Sept. 2010, pp. 343-56.
Working Paper Series, 從理論到實踐──香港新高中通識教育科議題為本的教學範例及反思, No. 3, July 2009, Department of Education Studies,Hong Kong Baptist University, p1-47.
”From Learning of Knowledge to Cultivation of Competencies: Hong Kong’s Education Reform and Development of History Education in the 21stCentury”, House of Tomorrow, Center of Child Development, HKBU, Vol. 14 No. 2, Nov. 2006, p. 1-9.
“Education and Identity: A Christian Miao Community in Shimenkan, Guizhou”, China Education Forum, Wah Ching Centre of Research on Eduation in China, The University of Hong Kong, 2003, 4(1): 21-23.
Conference Papers
2016“Evolution of Chinese Contemporary Hero Models” at 2016 ISEPSS & Higher Education Forum, 10 May 2016, Osaka International Convention Center, Japan.
“Epistemology of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong Senior Secondary Curriculum: Form Explicit to Null Curriculum” at International Conference on “Twenty Years of Taiwan Education Reform: Retrospect andProspect”, 15 Nov. 2014, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei.
Invited speaker to present a paper “Voices in War: The Educational Experiences of Hong Kong Women during the Japanese Occupation Period (1941-45)” at the International Conference of the Study of Tradition and Cultural Minorities (国際フォーラム・越境するマイノリティと文化伝承), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 9 December 2012.
Invited Speaker to deliver a Public Lecture on “The Case of Shimenkan: the Cultural Mecca of Miao, 1905-2005” by the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chinese University of Hong Kong, at the Chung Chi College, CUHK, 3 December 2013.
宣讀論文「香港中國新聞學院口述史研究 (1939-46)」,澳門理工學院舉行的國際學術研討會「眾聲平等:華人社會口述歷史的理論和實務」,2012年10月16日。
“Exile and Learning: the Oral History of Hong Kong Education during the War Years”, presented at the conference and “From Theory to Practice: A teaching exemplar and reflection on NSS Liberal Studies’, presented at the Symposium on Education Development in Chinese Society, organized by the Faculty of Education, University of Macau.
“The curriculum and new senior secondary school reform in Hong Kong: A case of Liberal Studies”, at the International conference on Curriculum Reform and Social Progress in China, organized by the College of Education, Zhejiang University (浙江大學教學院), held at Hanzhou.
“Exile and Learning: The Development of Wartime Education in Hong Kong and Macau”, was presented at the Conference Educational Development in Chinese Society, University of Macau.
“From Knowledge to Skill Learning: the Development of History Education in 21 century Hong Kong”, was presented at the Conference “History Education for 21 century Chinese Communities”, the Dept. of History, HKBU & Shue Yan College.
The Renewal of School Self-Evaluation Mechanism and the Change of Teachers’ Role, has been presented at the “Developing Teacher Leadership and Educational Partnership in the Face of Education Reform”, the 40th anniversary international conference, Faculty of Education, CUHK.
8th Biennial Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) Conference at the University of New South Wales.
Consultancy/Professional/Community Services
- Programme Advisory Committee (PROAC) of Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education Programme, School of Arts and Humanities, Tung Wah College (2016-18).
- External Course Examiner & External Examiner, School of Education & Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong (2008-2016)
- External examiner for the undergraduate course “Education and Society” (2014-16), School of Education and Languages, Open University of Hong Kong.
- Special meeting member on Review of Teacher Competencies Framework (TCF), COTAP, Education Bureau, 2016.
- Council member of the China Council on Anthropology of Education which approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, China , 2014-16.
- Member of the Educational Research Committee, Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre, 2014-16.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal, 2014-2016.
- Member of Reviewer s’ Board of International referred Journal “Athens Journal of Education.”, 2015-16.
- Consultant of “Chinese gardening guided tour and History oral presentation by the elderly scheme ”(關愛長者中國園林導賞課程及口述歷史計劃), a project organized by Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College and funded by Quality Education Fund, Nov. 2015 to July 2016.
- Advisory Council Member, the Center for Child Development, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2009-11.
- Consultant, “Teaching Materials of World Heritage”, Ming Pao Publication Company, 2005.
- 中國教育科學規劃「九五」重點課題《日本侵華教育史研究》課題組成員及編輯委員會委員, 2003.
- Managing Director of Collaborative Force Rural Development Fund (薈力農村發展基金).
- Reviewer of the Journal Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre (香港教師中心學報), 2008.
- Project Coordinator of “Learning and Teaching of War History in China: A Study Tour for Students in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hong Kong”, the Community Participation Scheme for Organizing Study Tours to the Mainland (內地考察團資助計劃), Youth of Commission (青年事務委員會), 2006.
- Reviewer of New Horizons in Education, Hong Kong Teachers’ Association, 2005-06.