Tongxi Liu (劉桐汐)
Research Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications
- B.S. in Material Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology
- M.Ed. in Mathematics Education, Fudan University
- M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Florida
- Ph.D. in Educational Technology, University of Florida
Academic & Professional Experience
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence in Education
Educational Data Mining
Learning Analytics
Computer Science Education
Academic & Professional Activities/ Consultancy/Community Services
Reviewer of top conferences (e.g. Association for Educational Communications and Technology) and top journals (e.g. Expert Systems with Applications)
Selected Publications
- Journal Articles · Liu, T., Israel, M. (2022). Uncovering students’ problem-solving processes in game-based learning environments. Computers & Education, 104462. · Liu, T. (2022). Knowledge tracing: a bibliometric analysis. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100090.
- Liu, T. (2023). Factors related to the assessment of implicit computational thinking in a logical puzzle game. British Journal of Educational Technology. (Under Review)
- Yan, W., Liu, T., Weisberg, L., Ramirez-Salgado, A., Israel, M. (2023). Middle school students’ computational problem-solving behaviors in a game-based
- environment. Interactive learning environments. (Under Review)
- Conference Proceedings · Liu, T. (2022). Using gameplay data to investigate students’ problem-solving behaviors in zoombinis. In Companion Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics Knowledge. Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR).
- Israel, M., Liu, T., Moon, J., Ke, F., Dahlstrom-Hakki, I. (2021). Methodological considerations for understanding students’ problem solving processes and affective trajectories during game-based learning: a data fusion approach. In 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, Cham. · Yan, W., Israel, M., Liu, T. (2021). Elementary students’ debugging behaviors in a game-based environment. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research.
- Presentations · Liu, T., Israel, M. (2020, July). Emotional experience of elementary students in online computer programming. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Summer Research Symposium, Virtual.
- Israel, M., Liu, T. (2021, April). Detecting learners’ frustration based on their performance in game-based learning activities. Paper Session at The American Educational Research Association (AERA) National Meeting, Virtual.
- Liu, T., Yan, W. (2023, October). Investigating Students’ Computational Problem-Solving Processes using Hidden Markov Model and Video Analysis. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Orland