Upon completion of the Preparation for Principalship (PFP) Programme 2017-18 offered by the Department of Education Studies (EDUC), a graduation ceremony was held on 27th October, 2018. Honourable guests included Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, Eric, SBS, IDSM, JP, Director of the Chief Executive’s Office, and his wife, Mrs. Chan Lai Chin Har, Kristy, Former Principal of WEO Chang Pui Chung Memorial School. Professor Atara Sivan, Head of EDUC, opened the ceremony by congratulating all graduates and thanked all guests. Dr. Lee Tsz Ngong, Leon, Coordinator of PFP Programme, gave appreciation to all who worked together making the programme to complete in a success.
HKBU EDUC School Leadership and Administration Alumni Association (SLAAA) was established on the same evening. EDUC has appointed committee members in the first inauguration ceremony. HKBU EDUC SLAAA gathers and connects graduates of all school leadership and administration related programmes offered by EDUC in stronger sense.
由教育學系開設的擬任校長課程2017-18已完滿結束,並於二零一八年十月二十七日舉行了畢業禮,嘉賓包括行政長官辦公室主任陳國基太平紳士SBS, IDSM, JP及其夫人威靈頓教育機構張沛松紀念中學前任校長陳黎展霞女士。系主任蘇秀冠教授致詞時恭賀各畢業生,並感謝各位嘉賓;擬任校長課程統籌李子昂博士則感謝各位的努力,讓課程完滿結束。
Honourable guest Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, Eric, SBS, IDSM, JP, Director of the Chief Executive’s Office
嘉賓行政長官辦公室主任陳國基太平紳士SBS, IDSM, JP
Guests and graduates in the Graduation Ceremony
Professor Atara Sivan, Head of EDUC, presented certificates of appreciation to guests
Guests and graduates of one of the three classes of PFP Programme 2017-18
Establishment of HKBU EDUC SLAAA