The Department of Education Studies (EDUC) and the Hong Kong Society of Behavioral and Neural Genetics had received a sponsorship from from Janssen, pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, for jointly organizing a one-day scientific conference titled “ADHD management across the lifespan: From childhood to adulthood” held on 22 September, 2018. The conference aimed to provide updates of research findings and practical solutions for professionals, parents and students who have an interest in Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The conference was kicked started with the opening remarks made by Dr Fanny Lam, an experienced Specialist in Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics. Immediately after the opening speech, Dr. Lawrence Martin from McMaster University, Canada delivered his keynote speech on ADHD treatment approach. He had shared with us recent discoveries and provided us many inspiring take-home messages, for example, “Pills do not build skills”, which suggests the importance of pharmaceutical and psychological interventions for treating ADHD. Dr Liu Kam Tim, who is an experienced Specialist in Pediatric Neurology in Hong Kong, shared with us in his wonderful talks about the genetic and neurological bases of ADHD as well as a range of evidence-based treatments for handling this disorder. His talk had initiated fruitful conversations among the audiences which allowed us to understand the shortage of service provided to ADHD patients in Hong Kong. Dr Sonya Law, a registered clinical psychologist, introduced us the concept of mindfulness through presenting the cases she had handled, and taught us several useful mindfulness practices. The conference ended with a Q&A session mediated by the discussant Dr Simpson Wong from EDUC.

  香港浸會大學教育學系(EDUC)與香港行為及神經遺傳學會獲強生旗下的楊森製藥有限公司資助,於二零一八年九月二十二日合辦一項科學會議,題為《ADHD management across the lifespan: From childhood to adulthood》。是次會議對象為關注專注力不足 / 過度活躍症(ADHD)的專業人士、家長及學生,旨在分享最新的研究成果和實用治療方案。會議由行為發展學科專科醫生林蕙芬醫生發表開幕致辭,其後來自加拿大麥馬士達大學的 Dr. Lawrence Martin 針對 ADHD 的治療方法作主旨發言。他分享了最新的研究發現,包括「Pills do not build skills(藥物無法培養技能)」,指出藥物及心理治療的重要性,令與會者獲益良多。香港著名的小兒神經病學醫生廖鑑榮醫生講解了 ADHD 的基因及神經病學基礎,以及各種具科學實證的治療方法。其發言引起討論,讓與會者了解本港對支援 ADHD 患者的不足。香港註冊臨床心理學家羅苑華醫生以其處理的個案為據,介紹正念的概念,並教授有用的正念練習。會議以教育學系的黃緯立博士主持的問答環節作結。
