Dr. Kelly Ku (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Lisa Deng, Department of Education Studies, Dr. Celine Song, Department of Journalism, and Dr. Kang Yi, Department of Government and International Studies received a HK$492,982 grant of Public Policy Research Fund (PPR) of Central Policy Unity for a project entitled: “Investigating Hong Kong Students’ Critical News Literacy in the Age of Social Media”.
Critical news literacy is a relatively novel concept to Hong Kong students, whom seem less aware of the shared responsibility between the news media and the news readers in examining news quality. News literacy education is to be called for news readers of young age to reason proactively and critically about the truthfulness of news messages.
The projects aims to examine usages and motivations underlying news seeking behaviors on social media platforms among Hong Kong students aged 12 to 18, as well as to assess their critical news literacy across different domains.
Dr. Ku said the Department encourages interdisciplinary collaboration that address issues with societal and community impacts. The project team hopes to inform policy makers and educators present needs in nurturing critically informed social engagement among the young generation of Hong Kong.
Photo caption
from left to right: Dr. Kang Yi, Department of Government and International Studies, Dr. Celine Song, Department of Journalism, Dr. Kelly Ku and Dr. Lisa Deng, Department of Education Studies"
新聞識讀對香港學生來說是一個較新穎的概念。學生不太了解新聞煤體和及新聞讀者在檢視新聞質量方面的共同責任。新聞識讀教育要求年輕的新聞讀者積極主動地審視新聞信息的真實性。 這項目研究12至18歲香港學生社交媒體閱讀新聞的習慣,模式及信息搜索的動機,並評估其在不同新聞識讀範疇的表現。 顧博士指學系鼓勵跨學系及對解決社會現象有幫助的研究, 希望通過項目以鼓勵公民新聞及使學生更有效及公平地關注社會議題。