HKAECT 2018 International conference was held at Hong Kong Baptist University on July 25-27, 2018. The conference was co-organized by HKAECT (Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology) and the Department of Education Studies on the theme of “New media for educational change: Effect on learning and reflection on practice”. Dr. Lisa Deng from the Department of Education Studies served as the chair of the organization committee. There were eight tracks covering various topics such as “new media in everyday life”, “learning analytics and AI in education”, “Game-based learning”. The conference has attracted over 60 submissions from various countries including Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, USA, South Korean, United Kingdom, and Philippine. Eventually, 16 paper were selected and included in the conference proceeding published by Springer. Altogether, the three-day program includes 3 keynote speeches, 1 panel discussion, 7 workshops, and 11 parallel paper presentation sessions. The conference has attracted an overall of about 80 participants from various countries and regions.


HKAECT 2018年國際會議於2018年7月25日至27日在香港浸會大學舉行。會議由香港教育傳播科技協會和香港浸會大學教育學系合辦。會議由該系的鄧立萍博士擔任會議組委會主席。會議主題为“新媒體时代的教育變革:對學習的影響和實踐反思”,包括八個议題,如“日常生活中的新媒體”,“學習分析和教育中的人工智能”,“基於遊戲的學習”。會議吸引了來自香港,中國大陸,台灣,美國,韓國,英國和菲律賓等國家的60多份投稿。有16篇論文最終入選Springer出版的會議论文选集。為期三天的會議議程包括3場主題演講,1場小組討論,7場工作坊和11場平行論文發表會。會議吸引了來自不同國家和地區的約80余名參與者。

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