
WELCOME to the family of Department of Education and Psychology (EDPY). EDPY is one of the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. We aspire to be a leading teacher education and educational development institute with local commitment and a global vision. We endeavour to engender impact on education and child & adolescent development of the local and global society through teaching, research and professional work.

Our Department offers Minor in Psychology programme for undergraduate students, teacher education programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for beginning teachers and Masters programmes for experienced teachers, school leaders and practitioners working in the fields of education and child & adolescent development. Apart from that, we also offer MPhil, EdD and PhD programmes for those who wish to advance their professional knowledge and research skills in Education, Psychology and Child & Adolescent Development.


Research Research conducted by staff at the Department of Education and Psychology draws upon multi- and transdisciplinary orientations and focuses

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