A Workshop Jointly Organized by the Department of Education Studies Focused on Mental Health &Career Planning of Youth with Dyslexia


The Department of Education Studies jointly organized a workshop with Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied Association (PHAB) on mental health and career planning of youth with Dyslexia held on 9 December 2017. The Workshop provided an invaluable opportunity for the public to have a deeper and fully understanding about the challenges and resilience of this group with special needs. Different stakeholders including parents, teachers and social workers found the workshop beneficial. The Workshop was opened by Prof. Vicky Tam, Acting Head of EDUC, Dr. Frederick Ho, Chairman of PHAB and Dr. Maggie Koong, representative of Victoria Fund. The programme comprised a talk given by Dr. Tang Kit Yi of EDUC on challenges and resilience of adolescents with dyslexia; a presentation on the strategy of "Telling and Re-telling " stemming from Narrative Therapy with demonstration by a teenager with dyslexia; a career planning activity supported by navigation cards that involved HKBU students and students with special educational needs. The workshop also included a launching ceremony of a new book on four cases of adolescents with dyslexia.


由香港傷健協會主辦,香港浸會大學教育學系協辦的「敢‧夢 ─ 了解讀寫障礙青年心路歷程工作坊」暨新書發佈會,於十二月九日成功舉辦。此工作坊為大眾提供了一個進一步了解讀寫障礙青年情緒健康和生涯規劃的機會。與會人士--包括家長,教師和社會工作者--俱反映能在此工作坊中有所裨益。工作坊由浸會大學教育學系署理系主任譚肖芸教授、香港傷健協會主席何永煊教授、維多利亞慈善信託基金代表孔美琪博士致開幕辭。內容包括教育學系講師鄧潔儀博士闡述讀寫障礙青年人面對的情緒困擾及增強抗逆力的建議方法;讀寫障礙青年親自敘述經驗,並示範應用敘述治療的『敘述-再敘述』策略;及浸會大學的學生和特殊教育需要青年共同參與使用『導航卡』的生涯規劃活動。工作坊亦包括「敢‧夢讀寫青年的口述故事」新書發佈。




The Workshop provides an invaluable opportunity for the public to have a deeper understanding of the development of youth with Dyslexia.
